
2022/03/09 IGBA IP Committee--- IQVIA& ECIPE--- FTA與IP相關報告

IGBA國際貿易/智慧產權委員會(International Trade and Intellectual Property Committee)轉知兩份有關國際間自由貿易協定與智慧產權相關報告,請參閱附件。
<IQVIA> The Impact of Pharmaceutical IP Provisions in EU Free Trade Agreements
This report examines the impact of past EU FTAs on drug spending, timing of countries’ access to new medicines after global launch, investments overall and in pharmaceuticals, and clinical trial participation. These are all areas with both economic and societal importance, as well as perceived value to be traded during FTA negotiations. Past studies have studied the impact on U.S. FTAs, and this study brings important new evidence relating to EU FTAs at both a macro and a detailed level.

<ECIPE> The Benefits of Intellectual Property Rights in EU Free Trade Agreements
Key Takeaway 1: What are Intellectual Property Rights and why do they matter?
Key Takeaway 2: The economy-wide relevance of IP-intensive industries
Key Takeaway 3: EU trade agreements: strong on niche types of IP but weaker on the broad IP types
Key takeaway 4: 55% of EU exports (of which 60% is IP intensive) are not covered by an FTA
Key Takeaway 5: The EU IP score and EU’s global share of IP-intensive exports declined
Key Takeaway 6: Sector-specific relevance of IP-intensive industries.
Key Takeaway 7: Strengthening IP in EU FTAs has a significant positive economic and societal effect for the EU and EU Member States
Key Takeaway 8: Strengthening IP in EU FTAs also has positive sectoral effects in the EU and in EU Member States
Key Takeaway 9: Patents and trademarks matter most for IP-intensive EU exports
Key Takeaway 10: IP and the EU Industrial Strategy: an opportunity for EU IP-intensive industries
Key Takeaway 11: IP in the EU pharmaceutical strategy: the EU at a crossroads
Key Takeaway 12: IP effective against counterfeit goods
Key Takeaway 13: IP and biodiversity
Key Takeaway 14: IP and SMEs


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