黃文延 (Richard Huang) |
職 歷
- 長宏國際專利商標事務所 專利代理人 (Patent Attorney, CHIP Patent, Trademark & Law Office)
- 社團法人中華民國學名藥協會 顧問 (Consultant, Taiwan Generic Pharmaceutical Association)
- 經濟部智慧財產局 專利審查官 (Patent Examiner, Taiwan Intellectual Property Office, MOEA)
- 行政院衛生署藥物食品檢驗局 技士 (Associate Technical Specialist, Bureau of Food and Drug Analysis, Department of Health, Executive Yuan)
資 格
- 中華民國專利代理人 (Registered Patent Attorney in the R.O.C.)
- 藥師 (Pharmacist)
學 歷
- 臺北醫學院藥學研究所 碩士 (Master's Degree, Graduate Institute of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical College)
- 臺北醫學院藥學系 學士 (Bachelor’s Degree, School of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical College)
- 經濟部專業人員研究中心 專利審查官訓練班 結業 (Training Program for Patent Examiners, Professional Training Centre, MOEA)
- 經濟部專業人員研究中心 專利助理審查官訓練班 結業 (Training Program for Patent Assistant Examiners, Professional Training Centre, MOEA)
專 長 業 務
- 專利諮詢 (Patent Consultation)
- 專利申請、申復答辯 (Patent Filing and Responses)
- 專利檢索 (Patent Searches)
- 專利侵權分析 (Patent Infringement Analysis)
- 藥品專利連結諮詢 (Drug Patent Linkage Consultation)